Teleflora's Joyful Jubilee


Look no further than Teleflora's Joyful Jubilee bouquet if you want to express your love, admiration, devotion, and appreciation for your loved ones. This bouquet is a perfect representation of its name and hopes to bring joy and mirth to those you cherish. The bouquet consists of hot pink spray ros[...]

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Teleflora's Joyful Jubilee

Look no further than Teleflora's Joyful Jubilee bouquet if you want to express your love, admiration, devotion, and appreciation for your loved ones. This bouquet is a perfect representation of its name and hopes to bring joy and mirth to those you cherish. The bouquet consists of hot pink spray ros[...]
Order T14-1A Sale $79.95 Add To Cart

Look no further than Teleflora's Joyful Jubilee bouquet if you want to express your love, admiration, devotion, and appreciation for your loved ones. This bouquet is a perfect representation of its name and hopes to bring joy and mirth to those you cherish. The bouquet consists of hot pink spray ros[...]

Look no further than Teleflora's Joyful Jubilee bouquet if you want to express your love, admiration, devotion, and appreciation for your loved ones. This bouquet is a perfect representation of its name and hopes to bring joy and mirth to those you cherish. The bouquet consists of hot pink spray roses and gerberas, with dark pink Sweet William adding more of the same color. This combination creates an ethereal masterpiece that will leave the recipient dazzled with its elegance and sophisticated beauty. Roses have been used for centuries to convey love without words, and pink roses specifically are a symbol of devotion, gratitude, and high esteem. Gerberas add cheerfulness, while Sweet William represents gallantry in a graceful manner. The addition of purple lavenders compliments and contrasts the pink hues, representing refinement, grace, and elegance. The lush texture of asters embodies the enchanting spell they have cast on you and is a promise of being together forever. Teleflora's Joyful Jubilee is perfect for any occasion or just a random moment to express your love and see their captivating smile. Order from our local florists in Canada and the United States today for same day delivery or a fresh arrangement to deliver on a later day.

Item No. T14-1A

Price: $79.95

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