Meet Me in Provence by Teleflora


Imagine capturing the essence of love and romance from Paris, spreading it across the stunning countryside, sunny weather, and phenomenal beauty of Provence, and gifting it to someone special. Sounds amazing, right? Well, Teleflora's Meet Me in Provence bouquet does just that!

This breat[...]

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Meet Me in Provence by Teleflora

Imagine capturing the essence of love and romance from Paris, spreading it across the stunning countryside, sunny weather, and phenomenal beauty of Provence, and gifting it to someone special. Sounds amazing, right? Well, Teleflora's Meet Me in Provence bouquet does just that!

This breat[...]
Order T58-1A Sale $94.95 Add To Cart

Imagine capturing the essence of love and romance from Paris, spreading it across the stunning countryside, sunny weather, and phenomenal beauty of Provence, and gifting it to someone special. Sounds amazing, right? Well, Teleflora's Meet Me in Provence bouquet does just that!

This breat[...]

Imagine capturing the essence of love and romance from Paris, spreading it across the stunning countryside, sunny weather, and phenomenal beauty of Provence, and gifting it to someone special. Sounds amazing, right? Well, Teleflora's Meet Me in Provence bouquet does just that!

This breathtaking masterpiece features a vibrant mix of yellow roses, asiatic lilies, and spray roses, adorned with white roses and blue delphinium. Not only will it add a touch of elegance and style to any space, but it's also sure to spread joy and cheer to your loved one.

Roses are a universal symbol of love that transcends time, and this arrangement uses yellow roses to express your heartfelt admiration, while the purity of white roses conveys your fondness for your beloved. The lilies in the mix represent your loved one's honor and virtue, while the smaller spray roses enhance the aesthetics with their contrasting sizes and haphazard exquisiteness. The light-blue delphiniums add a sunny touch of Provence to complete this dazzling floral crown.

Not only will this magnificent vase shine in your loved one's heart, but it will also improve the aesthetic appeal of any room. Order your Meet Me in Provence today and let our local florists in Canada and the United States prepare a fresh arrangement for same-day delivery or book your order in advance.

Item No. T58-1A

Price: $94.95

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