High Style Bouquet
High Style Bouquet
High Style Bouquet
$89.95Have you ever been completely taken aback by the sheer beauty of a gift you've received? It is not a common occurrence, but it's certainly not impossible. When giving a present, the key is to strive for that same level of awe-inspiring beauty. It is not so much about what you give, but rather how yo...

Pure Perfection Bouquet
Pure Perfection Bouquet
Pure Perfection Bouquet
$84.95At times, conveying your emotions towards someone can be a challenge, while other times, the hustle and bustle of everyday life can push expressing gratitude and affection to the bottom of your to-do list. Whether it's reminding your partner how much you care or thanking a colleague for their suppor...

Best Day Bouquet
Best Day Bouquet
Best Day Bouquet
$84.95Do you ever feel like brightening someone's day? Maybe a friend is feeling down and you want to reassure them that everything will be alright. Or perhaps a co-worker just got a promotion and you want to show your support and pride. That's where our 'Best Day Bouquet' comes in. This special bouquet i...

The Light of My Life Bouquet
The Light of My Life Bouquet
The Light of My Life Bouquet
$84.95Have you ever struggled to express your love and appreciation to your significant other? If you're not one for lengthy love letters or grandiose speeches, flowers may be your go-to solution. Flowers are an ideal gift for any occasion, from birthdays to anniversaries to just because. While these gest...

White Poinsettia Basket (Large)
White Poinsettia Basket (Large)
With Christmas just around the corner, our White Poinsettia Basket can add a [...]
White Poinsettia Basket (Large)
Are you searching for the perfect flower to give your loved ones this holiday season? Look no further than the elegant white poinsettia. This traditional Christmas flower is the ideal gift for winter festivities.
With Christmas just around the corner, our White Poinsettia Basket can add a...

The Glowing Elegance Centerpiece
The Glowing Elegance Centerpiece
Our Glowing E [...]
The Glowing Elegance Centerpiece
Looking for the perfect centerpiece for your Christmas table? Look no further than our Glowing Elegance Centerpiece. Nothing exudes elegance quite like white, and when you add in some flowers and a scented candle, you'll bring a warm sophistication to your holiday gathering.
Our Glowing E...

Red Poinsettia Basket (Large)
Red Poinsettia Basket (Large)
Red Poinsettia Basket (Large)
$99.95The poinsettia flower is the quintessential symbol of Christmas, making it the perfect gift for loved ones during the holiday season. Our Red Poinsettia Basket boasts stunning wine-colored petals and dark leaves, creating a festive decoration for any home or office. The hand-picked bouquet is elegan...

The Spirit of the Season Bouquet
The Spirit of the Season Bouquet
The Spirit of the Season Bouquet
$84.95Christmas is a time-honored tradition that involves the exchange of gifts among loved ones. It is a delightful custom that everyone looks forward to every year. People not only anticipate receiving presents but also take pleasure in giving them. Because Christmas is synonymous with gift-giving, it's...

The Christmas Peace Bouquet
The Christmas Peace Bouquet
The Christmas Peace Bouquet
$89.95During the Christmas season, individuals exude a wonderful holiday spirit that fills the air with joy and festivity. What could be more heartwarming than sharing that holiday cheer with loved ones? Our Christmas Peace Bouquet is the perfect way to do just that, bringing a smile to the faces of those...

Celebration of the Season Centerpiece
Celebration of the Season Centerpiece
Celebration of the Season Centerpiece
$89.95It is time to celebrate! Nothing sets the mood for a festive occasion quite like flowers. The vibrant colors of the holiday season - whites, reds, and greens - can transform any space into a warm and inviting atmosphere. Whether you're hosting a holiday dinner or attending one, flowers are the perfe...

The Season's Glow Centerpiece
The Season's Glow Centerpiece
The Season's Glow Centerpiece
$89.95Winter has arrived, bringing with it the chilly weather and snow. However, winters also bring along the holiday season and cozy dinner parties. The Season's Glow Centerpiece is a beautiful collection of flowers that exudes winter elegance and holiday enchantment. It is the perfect addition to your C...

Lights of the Season Centerpiece
Lights of the Season Centerpiece
Lights of the Season Centerpiece
$84.95Looking for a gift that can brighten up a friend's dull day is something we all do, but finding the perfect gift can be a challenge. We want something that's easy to purchase and doesn't break the bank. That's where the Lights of the Season Centerpiece comes in! This delightful bouquet of red roses ...

Life Celebration Basket
Life Celebration Basket
Life Celebration Basket
$94.95The Life Celebration Basket is a chic and sophisticated arrangement that lives up to its name by commemorating the life of a beloved individual in a lively and elegant manner. Despite the contrasting nature of birthdays and funerals, there are certain things that remain constant for both occasions. ...

Precious Pink Roses
Precious Pink Roses
Precious Pink Roses
$89.95A wedding anniversary is a time of great celebration. It marks the special day when a couple pledged their love to each other and said their vows. It is a reminder of the journey they've taken together and a chance to celebrate their love and happiness. If you know someone who is celebrating their a...

The Yellow Rose Bouquet
The Yellow Rose Bouquet
The Yellow Rose Bouquet
$89.95Surprising couples with a beautiful gift on their anniversary is truly special. A heart-warming gift can take them back to the lovely moment when they exchanged their vows. There are numerous anniversary gift options available, but nothing can beat the charm of a Yellow Rose Bouquet. If you're in a ...

The Blooming Masterpiece Rose Bouquet
The Blooming Masterpiece Rose Bouquet
The Blooming Masterpiece Rose Bouquet
$89.95Love is a powerful force that transcends time, but expressing the intensity of your passion can be a challenge. Despite this, the undeniable love you have for that special someone fuels your life. However, attempting to put these emotions into words can sometimes dilute their passion and essence. Th...

The Bright Spark Rose Bouquet
The Bright Spark Rose Bouquet
The Bright Spark Rose Bouquet
$89.95The celebration of love should not be limited to just one day. It should be cherished and expressed in its entirety every day. While some people prefer chocolates or greeting cards, others may opt for different gifts. However, it's important to remember that the best gift is the one that suits your ...

The Enchanting Rose Bouquet
The Enchanting Rose Bouquet
The Enchanting Rose Bouquet
$89.95It is that special time of year once again, and you're eager to express just how important your loved one is to you. Your life simply wouldn't be complete without them, and you want to make sure they know how much you value their presence in your life. No matter how long you've been together, your l...

The Graceful Grandeur Rose Bouquet
The Graceful Grandeur Rose Bouquet
The Graceful Grandeur Rose Bouquet
$89.95Are you struggling to find the right words to express your emotions during difficult times? Perhaps you're searching for the perfect way to celebrate a special occasion with loved ones. Whatever your needs may be, our expert florists are here to help. Our Graceful Grandeur Rose Bouquet is the perfec...

The Lavender Rose Bouquet
The Lavender Rose Bouquet
The Lavender Rose Bouquet
$89.95The intensity and passion of love at first sight are unmatched, but expressing those sentiments can be a hassle. Our Lavender Rose Bouquet takes the pressure off finding the right words. This exotic arrangement of a dozen fresh and delicate lavender roses is the perfect tool to show the emotions tha...

The Pink Rose Bouquet
The Pink Rose Bouquet
The Pink Rose Bouquet
$89.95Are you looking to impress your significant other? Do you want to add some romance to your anniversary festivities? Whether you're expressing your love, wishing someone a happy anniversary, or celebrating a special occasion like a birthday, graduation, or homecoming, our Pink Rose Bouquet is the per...

The Red Rose Bouquet
The Red Rose Bouquet
During such momen [...]
The Red Rose Bouquet
The feeling of losing someone you cherish is the most terrible emotion one can experience. This individual could be a close relative, a beloved friend, or even a romantic partner. The grief that follows can easily overwhelm you, leaving you feeling powerless and disoriented.
During such momen...

The True Romance Rose Bouquet
The True Romance Rose Bouquet
Romantic gestures of the past included hiding a rose inside your sweetheart's notebook or novel, letting them know that someone o [...]
The True Romance Rose Bouquet
For centuries, roses have been recognized as the universal symbol of love. In the past, a single red rose was enough to convey your affection to the one you love.
Romantic gestures of the past included hiding a rose inside your sweetheart's notebook or novel, letting them know that someone o...

The White Rose Bouquet
The White Rose Bouquet
The White Rose Bouquet
$89.95The color white is often associated with purity and nobility. However, white roses are a versatile choice for different occasions, both happy and sad. These blooms symbolize undying love, honor, and admiration, making them a fitting tribute at funerals and anniversaries alike. Our White Rose Bouquet...

The Soft Serenade Rose Bouquet
The Soft Serenade Rose Bouquet
The Soft Serenade Rose Bouquet
$99.95Our Soft Serenade Rose Bouquet is the perfect gift for any occasion, whether it's a birthday, anniversary, graduation ceremony, office party, thank-you present, or a gesture of warm wishes to a loved one who is unwell. This beautiful assortment of fresh flowers may have soft and subtle hues, but it ...

The Pure Enchantment Rose Bouquet
The Pure Enchantment Rose Bouquet
The Pure Enchantment Rose Bouquet
$99.95For centuries, the rose has been recognized as a flower of love, admired by people all over the world. It is no secret that these stunning gifts of nature have been used since the beginning of time to symbolize true love and affection. When searching for the perfect present for a loved one, what cou...

Fruit & Flowers Basket
Fruit & Flowers Basket
Our Fruit and Flowers Basket is [...]
Fruit & Flowers Basket
Are you searching for a thoughtful way to send your best regards to a sick loved one? Look no further than our Fruit and Flowers Basket. Skip the hassle of browsing the supermarket aisles for the perfect gift and opt for our convenient and beautiful option.
Our Fruit and Flowers Basket is...

Precious Heart Bouquet
Precious Heart Bouquet
Precious Heart Bouquet
$84.95For centuries, flowers have been a timeless means of expressing emotions. Whether it's conveying love or care, flowers are the simplest yet most impactful gift to give. However, selecting the right flowers for a special occasion can be a daunting task. Simply arranging fresh flowers may not have the...

Red and white handled basket
Red and white handled basket
Red and white handled basket
The Red and White Handled Basket flower bouquet is a stunning display of beauty and grace, with a striking combination of blood red and stark white. The classical bouquet features a lovely arrangement of white and red carnations, accented with hues of green that capture the heart and mind.

Pink and lavender basket
Pink and lavender basket
The pursuit of happiness is a natural inclination, but it is inevitably accom [...]
Pink and lavender basket
Despite the impermanence of everything on earth, humans possess an innate desire for immortality. We hold onto people and things that bring us joy and lift our spirits, hoping to preserve fond memories forever.
The pursuit of happiness is a natural inclination, but it is inevitably accom...

Mixed flowers in a handheld basket
Mixed flowers in a handheld basket
This flower bouquet is a stunning c [...]
Mixed flowers in a handheld basket
Honoring the memory of a loved one is best done with an elegant bouquet at their burial. The Mixed Flowers in a Handle Basket is a breathtaking arrangement that conveys compassion, honor, and the utmost respect for a soul that left this world too soon.
This flower bouquet is a stunning c...

Isn't It Romantic
Isn't It Romantic
Isn't It Romantic
$99.95It can be quite challenging to find the perfect anniversary gift. Even though the giver's intention is to bring joy to the receiver, only a few succeed in doing so. The most perplexing aspect of selecting a gift is figuring out what will make the recipient happy. It can be a tedious task to choose a...

Fifteen peach roses
Fifteen peach roses
Fifteen peach roses
$99.95Our time on earth is limited, and it's pointless to dwell on our past mistakes and missed opportunities. These obstacles were only meant to guide us in the right direction. It is only when we face death, whether it's through a near-fatal accident, a great fall, or the loss of a loved one, that we re...

Fiery Lily and Rose
Fiery Lily and Rose
Fiery Lily and Rose
$84.95Are you commemorating a special day like an anniversary or birthday? While your plans may be impressive, they won't be complete without flowers. Don't worry, it's not too late to add that extra touch of magic to your celebration. Simply grab a bouquet on your way and watch the enchantment unfold. \n...

Teleflora's Fall Fantasia
Teleflora's Fall Fantasia
Teleflora's Fall Fantasia
$84.95The fall season can be viewed in two different ways. Some people see it as a time of sadness and melancholy, while others see it as a chance for new beginnings. As nature puts on a stunning display of beauty, Teleflora's Fall Fantasia captures the essence of the season perfectly. This bouquet is a w...

Pure Happiness
Pure Happiness
Pure Happiness
$84.95The pursuit of happiness is a fundamental human desire that transcends cultures and personal beliefs. It is a concept that is both abstract and universal, influencing every aspect of our daily lives, from our morning routines to our long-term aspirations. Pure Happiness is a bouquet of flowers that ...

Summer Samba
Summer Samba
Summer Samba
$99.95Excited for your upcoming wedding anniversary? Want to impress your partner with a gift that will reignite their love for you? Look no further than the Summer Samba bouquet! This stunning arrangement of yellow, green, and orange flowers is sure to brighten your loved one's day and bring a smile to t...

Burst of Beauty Basket
Burst of Beauty Basket
Burst of Beauty Basket
$94.95It can be quite challenging to find a gift that is not only heart-warming but also visually appealing and capable of bringing an instant smile to the recipient's face. If you are on the lookout for such a present to surprise your significant other on your wedding anniversary, we have just the thing ...

Medium Dish Garden
Medium Dish Garden
Green is the color o [...]
Medium Dish Garden
When someone you care about falls ill, it's natural to want to visit and show your support. Consider bringing along our stunning Medium Dish Garden to brighten their day. This arrangement of lush, natural greens is sure to lift their spirits and make them feel better.
Green is the color o...

Simply Elegant Spathiphyllum - Standard
Simply Elegant Spathiphyllum - Standard
Simply Elegant Spathiphyllum - Standard
$84.95The act of giving a housewarming gift is a custom that has been practiced for generations in various cultures around the world. These gifts are a way to express good wishes to the new homeowner. Whether you are attending a housewarming party for a close friend, a colleague you barely know, or even a...

Sweet Tranquility Basket
Sweet Tranquility Basket
Offering comfort to those in mourning can be a daunting task. Sometimes [...]
Sweet Tranquility Basket
Although death is a natural part of life, losing a loved one can still evoke feelings of shock, confusion, and immense sadness. Coping with such a loss can be a challenging journey that only becomes easier with time.
Offering comfort to those in mourning can be a daunting task. Sometimes...

Serene Retreat
Serene Retreat
The calming [...]
Serene Retreat
Are you searching for the perfect gift for your loved one or colleague's work anniversary? Look no further than Serene Retreat. This elegant boat-shaped pot is carefully arranged with a variety of fresh green houseplants, making it the ideal addition to any office or cubicle.
The calming...

Emerald Garden Basket
Emerald Garden Basket
Emerald Garden Basket
$84.95Are you and your significant other fans of simplicity? Does maintaining a simple lifestyle strengthen your relationship and keep you drawn to each other? Do you appreciate your partner's pure, authentic, and uncomplicated nature so much that you wouldn't change a thing about them? If so, why not exp...

This Magic Moment
This Magic Moment
This Magic Moment
$99.95The Magic Moment bouquet is a stunning display of friendship that comes in a round, transparent glass vase. It is the perfect gift to show your BFF how much you appreciate their unwavering support and love. This bouquet is carefully crafted with flowers that symbolize true friendship and joy, like t...

Lavender Wishes
Lavender Wishes
Lavender Wishes
$94.95Experiencing love at first sight is a magnificent sensation. Your mind is consumed with thoughts of your beloved, and you eagerly anticipate the opportunity to communicate how much they mean to you. However, articulating your emotions can be challenging. Finding the perfect words to express your fee...

Rosy Glow Bouquet
Rosy Glow Bouquet
Rosy Glow Bouquet
$94.95It is common knowledge that true friendship means standing by each other during both the good and bad times. Some believe it's an inherent obligation that comes with the title of friend. However, it's easy to take these relationships for granted. Do you have friends like these? If so, why not show t...

Blossoms in Vogue
Blossoms in Vogue
Look no further than our Blossoms in Vogue arrangement.
This all-around floral display features a variety of vibrant roses clustered together for a stunning effect. We guarantee that this look will never go out of style!
Blossoms in Vogue
Are you in search of a captivating bunch of flowers?
Look no further than our Blossoms in Vogue arrangement.
This all-around floral display features a variety of vibrant roses clustered together for a stunning effect. We guarantee that this look will never go out of style!

Enchanted Cottage
Enchanted Cottage
Enchanted Cottage
$84.95The Enchanted Cottage is a delightful collection of flowers that will captivate your senses and fill your space with a seductive aroma. It is no wonder why our customers love it so much! This bouquet is perfect for any room in your home, whether it's the living room, bedroom, or dining area. The flo...

Love and Laughter
Love and Laughter
Love and Laughter
$94.95Picture this scenario: your significant other arrives home exhausted and drained from a long day at work. They walk in the door, drop their belongings on the table, and turn around to find a stunning bunch of fresh, dewy flowers waiting for them. \n\nLove and Laughter has the power to make your spec...

Arrive In Style
Arrive In Style
Arrive In Style
$84.95This exquisite bouquet lives up to its name, arriving in a grand and elegant style that is sure to impress. With a color scheme of pink, white, yellow, and green, this bouquet is a beautiful way to show your special someone how much they mean to you. It is the ultimate symbol of love, devotion, loya...

Teleflora's Heavenly & Harmony
Teleflora's Heavenly & Harmony
Teleflora's Heavenly & Harmony
$84.95Do you often find yourself struggling to come up with the perfect gift for your significant other, the person who means everything to you? You want something that not only looks beautiful but also conveys all the emotions you feel for them. If this sounds like you, then look no further than the Heav...

Meet Me in Provence by Teleflora
Meet Me in Provence by Teleflora
This breat [...]
Meet Me in Provence by Teleflora
Imagine capturing the essence of love and romance from Paris, spreading it across the stunning countryside, sunny weather, and phenomenal beauty of Provence, and gifting it to someone special. Sounds amazing, right? Well, Teleflora's Meet Me in Provence bouquet does just that!
This breat...

Basket Full of Wishes
Basket Full of Wishes
Basket Full of Wishes
$84.95It can be a daunting task to find a gift that is suitable for any occasion. What may be ideal for a birthday may not be appropriate for an anniversary, and it can be especially challenging to find a gift that serves both as an apology and a thank-you. It takes a lot of time and effort to find a gift...

Cotton Candy
Cotton Candy
But search no further! Our Cotton Candy f [...]
Cotton Candy
Finding a gift that perfectly captures your emotions and suits various occasions can be a rare occurrence. It is a struggle to locate a present that is aesthetically pleasing, tells a story, and is ideal for weddings, anniversaries, or birthdays.
But search no further! Our Cotton Candy f...

She's Lovely
She's Lovely
Our She's Lovely bouquet is the [...]
She's Lovely
Do you find it difficult to express your love and emotions to your significant other in a way that truly captures how you feel? If you struggle with finding the right words or conveying your feelings effectively, why not let flowers do the talking for you?
Our She's Lovely bouquet is the ...

Wondrous Wishes by Teleflora
Wondrous Wishes by Teleflora
Finding the perfect gift for special occasions can be difficult, which is why we believe that flowers are always a great option [...]
Wondrous Wishes by Teleflora
Simply saying with warm wishes or wish you all the best just doesn't cut it when it comes to expressing your true sentiments to your loved ones. Don't you agree?
Finding the perfect gift for special occasions can be difficult, which is why we believe that flowers are always a great option...

Teleflora's Perfectly Pleasing Pinks
Teleflora's Perfectly Pleasing Pinks
Teleflora's Perfectly Pleasing Pinks
$99.95Surprise your significant other on your wedding anniversary by gifting them with Teleflora's Perfectly Pleasing Pinks bouquet. This stunning arrangement of flowers has been carefully picked and selected to convey your love and affection for your partner. It is undoubtedly one of the most exquisite b...

Teleflora's Pink Pink Bouquet
Teleflora's Pink Pink Bouquet
Teleflora's Pink Pink Bouquet
$94.95Sending gifts to the people you love and care about doesn't always require a special occasion. Brighten their day and put a smile on their face by surprising them with a fresh and beautiful Teleflora's Pink Pink Bouquet. Show them how special they are to you by sending this bouquet to their office o...

Teleflora's Dazzling Day Bouquet
Teleflora's Dazzling Day Bouquet
Teleflora's Dazzling Day Bouquet
$94.95If your busy work schedule is making it difficult for you to find time to shop for the perfect birthday gift for your beloved, fret not! Shop with us instead. Our Teleflora's Dazzling Day Bouquet is an ideal gift for any occasion, especially birthdays. Place an order from your device and surprise yo...

Make Me Blush
Make Me Blush
Although these actions are [...]
Make Me Blush
How many attempts have you made to convey your love and appreciation to that special someone in your life? Some people choose eloquent speeches and beautifully crafted love letters, while others opt for luxurious and extravagant gifts to express their affection.
Although these actions are...

Cupid's Creation by Teleflora
Cupid's Creation by Teleflora
This flower bouquet is pack [...]
Cupid's Creation by Teleflora
The name alone is a giveaway of what this spectacular bouquet is all about - a true statement of love, affection, and desire. Although it may not have been created by Cupid himself, the god of love, it definitely seems like it came from the purest land of love.
This flower bouquet is pack...

Always on My Mind
Always on My Mind
Always on My Mind
$89.95Eternity is uncomplicated, particularly when you're alongside your cherished one. Our Endlessly In My Thoughts anniversary bouquet enables you to convey the depth of your love without uttering a single word. This minimalist theme reverberates through every detail of the arrangement, from the single ...

Red and white floor basket
Red and white floor basket
Red and white floor basket
$89.95Bidding farewell to a loved one is always difficult. When words fail to console, a thoughtful tribute can offer solace. Our Red and White Floor Basket of memorial flowers beautifully represents the fullness of life and the sorrow of parting. This bouquet encompasses these contrasting emotions throug...

Be My Love
Be My Love
Be My Love
$84.95Enduring love merits celebration, and with our classic Be My Love anniversary bouquet, you can honor the initial chapter of your unique love story. This arrangement seeks to capture the profound connections at the heart of marriage, emphasizing these potent bonds through three symbolic flowers that ...

Teleflora's Rose Classique
Teleflora's Rose Classique
Across the ages, these radiant blossoms have been synonymous with intimacy, ardor, and fondness. Red [...]
Teleflora's Rose Classique
As the seasons of your union ebb and flow, the essence of true love remains unbounded by time. Our thoughtfully curated bouquet of crimson roses symbolizes this everlasting connection.
Across the ages, these radiant blossoms have been synonymous with intimacy, ardor, and fondness. Red...
We offer expedient same-day delivery for every premium flower arrangement we provide. We have established a close relationship with local venues across the US and Canada to ensure that your fresh flowers are received in their most pristine and vibrant state, just as they were picked.
Our flowers under $80 category includes unique and enchanting arrangements like the Lavender Rose Bouquet, which features pale purple flowers and fragrant eucalyptus. Another popular option is our Long Stem Yellow Roses Box, perfect for the woman who takes your breath away and deserves a gift as original as she is.
No matter what your budget is, we have the perfect premium flower arrangement to impress your loved one.
Ontario | Quebec | Nova Scotia | New Brunswick | Manitoba | British Columbia | Prince Edward Island | Saskatchewan | Alberta | Newfoundland and Labrador
Delivery to Hospitals | Delivery to Hotels | Delivery to Funeral Homes | Delivery to Military Bases