Teleflora's Birthday Ribbon Bouquet
Teleflora's Birthday Ribbon Bouquet
But fear not, if you're on the hunt for [...]
Teleflora's Birthday Ribbon Bouquet
Finding the perfect gift for your loved one's birthday can be a challenge, especially if you've already given them incredible presents in the past. It can be difficult to come up with unique gift ideas when you know you've already set the bar high.
But fear not, if you're on the hunt for...

Teleflora's Elegant Evening
Teleflora's Elegant Evening
For instance, if you plan on picking up [...]
Teleflora's Elegant Evening
Looking for a simple way to impress your date on your first outing? The classic tradition of giving flowers has stood the test of time as a romantic and chivalrous gesture. However, choosing the right blooms is key to conveying your true intentions.
For instance, if you plan on picking up...

Ocean Devotion
Ocean Devotion
Ocean Devotion
$79.95What is the common thread that runs through all of our happy celebrations? Whether it's a birthday bash, a long-awaited reunion, a romantic dinner, a graduation ceremony, an anniversary celebration, or simply a day to revel in the joys of life, what we truly celebrate is the love and support of thos...

Treasured Memories Basket
Treasured Memories Basket
Our Treasured Memories Basket is a way to honor the decea [...]
Treasured Memories Basket
In times of sadness, when sorrow and darkness seem to surround you or your loved ones due to the loss of a dear member, try to remember the happier moments and the departed's lively spirit with a bright and cheerful flower arrangement.
Our Treasured Memories Basket is a way to honor the decea...

Serene Lily Basket
Serene Lily Basket
Serene Lily Basket
$104.95During difficult times or sensitive situations, it's crucial to be mindful of what we say to the loved ones of those who have passed away. Losing someone close can be a traumatic experience, and it's important for people to receive support and care from others to help them cope. Without this comfort...

Loving Sentiment Bouquet
Loving Sentiment Bouquet
Loving Sentiment Bouquet
$84.95During difficult times, it can be a challenge to communicate our true emotions and feelings to others, especially when someone we love passes away. Supporting family and friends during this time is crucial, as they need as much help as possible. It is important to make them feel that they're not alo...

Splendid Memories Bouquet
Splendid Memories Bouquet
Splendid Memories Bouquet
$79.95Losing a loved one is a devastating experience that can leave one feeling overwhelmed with grief. It is a pain that seems impossible to escape, no matter how hard one tries to console themselves. However, time and support from others can help ease the suffering. There are many ways to show support f...

Eternal Peace Basket
Eternal Peace Basket
Eternal Peace Basket
$79.95Losing someone you love is an incredibly painful experience. Memories of the times you shared come flooding back, making it even harder to say goodbye. Many people try to hide their grief, but it's important to remember that it's a natural part of loving someone. It is okay to show that you're hurti...

The Forever Sweet Bouquet
The Forever Sweet Bouquet
The Forever Sweet Bouquet
$89.95Although they may have moved on to better things, you will always cherish the memory of your loved ones who have passed away. If you want to honor their virtues, celebrate their well-lived life, and offer your condolences to their grieving family, our Forever Sweet Bouquet is the perfect way to expr...

Teleflora's Be Happy Bouquet
Teleflora's Be Happy Bouquet
Teleflora's Be Happy Bouquet
$69.95It can be heartbreaking to witness a loved one or dear friend struggling with feelings of sadness and hopelessness, unable to fully embrace life. When they are also battling an illness or ailment that takes a toll on their mental and physical health, it can feel impossible to express your emotions a...

Golden Glow
Golden Glow
Look no further! Our stunning Golden Glow bouquet is the perfect choice for autumn festivities. We have carefully hand-selected flowers that showcase the golden and amber hues of th [...]
Golden Glow
Do you adore the rich, earthy tones of autumn? Are you hoping to spread some seasonal cheer to a loved one?
Look no further! Our stunning Golden Glow bouquet is the perfect choice for autumn festivities. We have carefully hand-selected flowers that showcase the golden and amber hues of th...

Teleflora's Fall in Love
Teleflora's Fall in Love
They say that flowers are the perfect way to express your love. But, did you know that each flower has a different meaning? So, if your significant other is an expert in the language of flowers, you need to be extra careful while selecting your gi [...]
Teleflora's Fall in Love
Love is a feeling that never fades away!
They say that flowers are the perfect way to express your love. But, did you know that each flower has a different meaning? So, if your significant other is an expert in the language of flowers, you need to be extra careful while selecting your gi...

It's My Party by Teleflora
It's My Party by Teleflora
This stunning bouquet is a delightful mix of plum and bur [...]
It's My Party by Teleflora
Parties and flowers are a match made in heaven, wouldn't you agree? We certainly do! When it comes to decorating your party venue or gifting someone on a special occasion, It is My Party by Teleflora is the perfect floral arrangement.
This stunning bouquet is a delightful mix of plum and bur...

Teleflora's Lovely Lady
Teleflora's Lovely Lady
These priceless experiences can only be celebrated with Teleflora's Lovely La [...]
Teleflora's Lovely Lady
The arrival of a newborn baby girl, a baby shower for your closest friend, or a new mom finding her footing again - these are extraordinary and meaningful moments in life that cannot be stopped in their tracks.
These priceless experiences can only be celebrated with Teleflora's Lovely La...

A basket arrangement for a baby boy
A basket arrangement for a baby boy
A basket arrangement for a baby boy
$69.95Becoming an aunt or uncle is an extraordinary feeling. Holding a newborn in your arms and snuggling them for the first time is indescribable. It is a moment that calls for celebration with gifts, balloons, toys, and a beautiful flower arrangement designed exclusively for special occasions like this ...

The American Glory Bouquet
The American Glory Bouquet
The American Glory Bouquet
$74.95The festive celebrations of 4 July are a source of great excitement for true Americans. It is a day that every citizen must observe with full patriotism and fervor, as it is a due right of the country. Families bring out the American flag and hoist it over their roofs, while people come together for...

The Gratitude Grows Bouquet
The Gratitude Grows Bouquet
The Gratitude Grows Bouquet
$74.95Receiving an invitation to a loved one's wedding anniversary is truly a wonderful experience. Witnessing the celebration of love, unity, and togetherness is an unparalleled joy. In today's world, where marriages are often unstable, it's heartening to see couples reaffirming their love for one anothe...

The Blushing Invitations Bouquet
The Blushing Invitations Bouquet
The Blushing Invitations Bouquet
$79.95Are you in search of the perfect bouquet for that special someone, but feeling overwhelmed with the endless options? Take a deep breath and consider our Blushing Invitations Bouquet. This simple yet meaningful arrangement features a stunning array of colors and aromas that communicate feelings of lo...

Tender Tribute
Tender Tribute
Tender Tribute
$129.95Offering sympathy and support to those who are grieving can be incredibly challenging. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, it feels impossible to find the right words to express your condolences and pay tribute to the deceased. When words fail you, consider presenting your loved ones with Teleflo...

Heartfelt Memories
Heartfelt Memories
Heartfelt Memories
$94.95Saying goodbye to a loved one is never easy, especially when it comes to honoring their memory at a funeral or memorial. Our Heartfelt Memories bouquet is the perfect way to pay tribute to a departed lady's grace, innocence, purity, and charm. \n\nFeaturing a stunning display of lavender and mauve b...

The Joyous Holiday Bouquet
The Joyous Holiday Bouquet
The Joyous Holiday Bouquet
$79.95During the holiday season, spending time with loved ones is the highlight of the month. Festive feasts are a cherished tradition, with guests often visiting each other's homes. It is customary to bring gifts, as it's odd to arrive empty-handed. For a smile-worthy present, consider the Joyous Holiday...
One of our most beautiful one-sided arrangements is the Serene Lily Basket. This arrangement brings together the elegance and magic of pure-white lilies, pale snowy carnations, and vibrant greenery in a one-sided basket, creating a visual feast of tranquility and soothing remembrance. For those who prefer a one-sided glass vase to a basket, we offer the Ocean Devotion bouquet. This stunning combination of blue hydrangea, green roses, and white dahlias is presented in a royal sapphire container.
All of our one-sided arrangements come with fast, reliable same-day delivery to any location in the US and Canada. We deliver to homes, schools, retirement homes, hospitals, businesses, offices, reception halls, and any other venue where you want to make a lasting impression with the timeless gift of fresh flowers.