Teleflora's Rose Romanesque Bouquet


Even though a loved one may have passed away, their memories and the moments you shared together will always remain in your heart and mind. To honor their sweet memory at a memorial event, the Rose Romanesque Bouquet from Teleflora is the perfect way to express your heartfelt emotions. \n\nThis beau[...]

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Teleflora's Rose Romanesque Bouquet

Even though a loved one may have passed away, their memories and the moments you shared together will always remain in your heart and mind. To honor their sweet memory at a memorial event, the Rose Romanesque Bouquet from Teleflora is the perfect way to express your heartfelt emotions. \n\nThis beau[...]
Order T231-1A Sale $134.95 Add To Cart

Even though a loved one may have passed away, their memories and the moments you shared together will always remain in your heart and mind. To honor their sweet memory at a memorial event, the Rose Romanesque Bouquet from Teleflora is the perfect way to express your heartfelt emotions. \n\nThis beau[...]

Even though a loved one may have passed away, their memories and the moments you shared together will always remain in your heart and mind. To honor their sweet memory at a memorial event, the Rose Romanesque Bouquet from Teleflora is the perfect way to express your heartfelt emotions. \n\nThis beautiful bouquet conveys your love and immortal affection for your departed loved one with its fresh and deep red roses. These roses are complemented by spray rose clustered blossoms and vibrant greens such as Ming fern, Ivy, and Israeli Ruscus. \n\nThe presentation of this floral arrangement is equally stunning, as the flowers are arranged in a graceful clear glass vase that enhances the bouquet's overall appearance. \n\nIf you want to carry the Rose Romanesque Bouquet to the memorial event of your loved one, you can place your order in advance or benefit from our same-day delivery service. Just provide us with complete order details such as name, location, and date of delivery, and our local florists in Canada and the U.S. will prepare your bouquet and deliver it to your desired location on the specified date in a timely manner. \n\nThis bouquet is a heartwarming tribute to a beloved who may have departed from this life but still lives on in your heart.

Item No. T231-1A

Price: $134.95

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